Experienced senior counselors, fully immersed and directly engaged, providing strategic, efficient solutions.
Our clients get more partner time and attention because our senior lawyers are directly involved in the matters on which they work. We are more available, more responsive, and more directly accountable to our clients.
Trials and Arbitrations
We regularly try high-stakes, complex cases across the country in every type of forum—state and federal courts, administrative tribunals, arbitrations, and other dispute resolution proceedings—with great success. Our decades of experience in the courtroom, plus our deep bench of seasoned attorneys, give us uncommon litigation firepower. We are often asked to step in to try an already pending case after a client reexamines its trial team.
We have briefed and argued appeals in the U.S. Supreme Court, every federal circuit, and innumerable state courts. We handle appeals in every conceivable scenario—where our firm conducted the trial below and where we didn’t; where we are hired to replace existing counsel and where we are asked to work cooperatively alongside them. Whatever the circumstances, we provide a valuable, fresh appellate perspective and deliver excellent results for our clients.
Policy and Regulatory Work
We regularly represent clients before federal agencies and in state administrative and regulatory proceedings. We often use those proceedings as tools to resolve our clients’ business issues as an expeditious and cost-effective alternative to litigation. We also assist clients in submitting comments to proposed rules, meeting with government officials, and challenging agency rules after adoption. In addition, we have prepared court of appeals and U.S. Supreme Court briefs on important questions of administrative law.
Strategic Counseling
We help clients understand and evaluate the costs and benefits of different options for resolving the issues they face. We understand that litigation is often the last resort rather than the first choice, and we strive to formulate out-of-the-box strategies for meeting client needs in a cost-effective and timely way. Our nimble teams of experienced attorneys identify innovative solutions where other firms cannot. We also help our in-house clients manage outside counsel in particularly large or fast-paced matters.